What is Chiropractic?

Chiropractic is a primary health care system specialising in diagnosis, treatment, management of misalignments of the joints especially those of the spinal column, which are believed to cause other disorders by affecting the nerves, muscles, and organs.

Chiropractic uses a hands-on approach with spinal manipulation to reduce pain, improve function and increase mobility by gently re-aligning the joints. Chiropractic is not just for your back but can help with different parts of your body through spinal and joint alignment.

What is ABC?

Advanced Biostructural Correction™ (or ABC™ for short) is a holistic approach to structural healthcare correcting postural alignment, restoring structural function and overall health. ABC™ recognises that the body is only a partially self-correcting system.

Bones can become stuck forward in a direction that the body cannot self-correct as there are no muscles to pull them backwards. 

When this happens the body compensates and twists up creating an unwanted mechanical load on the body that puts unnecessary stress and tension on your muscles, joints, and nerves. 

This is often the cause of a wide variety of pain and symptoms.

ABC™ addresses the body’s underlying issues by correcting only the bones that have gone forward that your body cannot fix by itself. As a result, the body unwinds and restores posture, reduces pain, and optimises function.


For more information on Advanced Biostructural Correction™ watch this video.

How We Can Help You

At Posture and Wellness, we exclusively employ ABC™ which is a highly effective health care treatment for pain relief, structural correction, and overall wellness. By correcting the body’s structure we get to the root cause of the problem. This treatment is not a “quick fix” but we consistently help patients overcome their pain and long-term health conditions by identifying and correcting the underlying causes.

The effects of ABC are often visible and felt immediately. We also take digital postural photos to tack results and record the body’s changes.

In most cases, we relieve or alleviate pain and symptoms, heal old structural injuries which might still be affecting you and optimise your body’s overall function.

It allows the body to heal and get well and enables you to achieve your personal health goals.

So what are some of the things that can cause the bones to get pushed forward?

Anything from major accidents or injuries such as car accidents, trips and falls to the day-to-day poor postural habits such as prolonged sitting at poor desk setups, heavy bags, and unsuitable footwear causes our bodies to compensated after pushing us forward.


General & Acute Pain

General acute and chronic backache, back pain.

Mechanical Neck Pain

Neck strain.


Pain and/or numbness in affected leg.

Joint Pains

Including knee and hip problems.

Elbow Pain

Elbow pain and tennis elbow. 

Slipped Discs

Slipped discs and disc protrusions.

Rotator Cuff Injuries

Rotator cuff injuries, disease, or disorders.

Shoulder Complaints

Shoulder complaints including pain, dysfunction, & soft tissue disorders.


Headaches originating from the neck.

Muscle Spasm

Relief from.

Plantar Faciatus

Foot pain around heal and arch.

Generalised Aches & Pains

Migraine Prevention

To prevent Migraines.

Sports Injuries

Sports injuries & a variety of other muscle, nerve, and joint problems.

Trapped Nerve

can cause, pain, tingling, numbness, or weakness.

What to Expect.

Free Discovery call: This is a free session where you can talk to your chiropractor over the phone, which usually lasts up to 15 minutes. 

Here we can discuss your complaints and concerns while also letting you know if we can help you.

We are educational practitioners and will always answer your questions in a way you can best understand. 

The primary goal is to find out if and how we can help you.

First Visit – Initial Consultation:

Your chiropractor will take a detailed case history to understand the reason for your visit, some of the questions may seem strange but it is important to gather as much information as possible followed by a comprehensive physical exam including orthopaedic, neurological, and chiropractic tests to examine all of your muscles, joints, and nerves to identify the cause of your problem. We will also take some digital postural photos. Sometimes further testing is required, and you may be referred for some X-rays.

This is the most important appointment and due to the detail, this will usually take up to an hour. Prior to your appointment, you will be required to fill in a new patient form online.

Please wear some comfortable clothing and be prepared to receive some amazing information about your body you probably never heard before!

Second Visit – Report of Findings:

This is where the chiropractor will present and discuss with you the findings of your case and diagnosis with you and recommend an appropriate treatment plan. At this point where appropriate and if you are happy with the recommended treatment plan, you will be offered your first adjustment to start your journey to get out of pain, better health, and posture.

After your first adjustment, you should observe your body more closely to see how it shifts and changes. Most people notice that they feel more upright, and they can breathe deeper and easier inhaling more air effortlessly.

During your care with us, you will be given detailed postural health advised. Given all the tips on the best ways to sit, sleep, and stand to help correct and maintain a healthy posture.