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Lots of informative information to keep you and your spine in top health.

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Is a Standing Desk Worth It?

Is a Standing Desk Worth It?

If you work at a desk all day, you might notice aches and pains. Or perhaps after a long day of work, you’re neck or shoulders are stiff and sore. As such, you might be considering a standing desk to avoid sitting for hours on end.  While standing or sitting in...

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6 Benefits of Barefoot Shoes

6 Benefits of Barefoot Shoes

Updated April 2024. Contrary to popular belief, our feet don’t need as much support as the shoe and orthotic industries would lead us to believe. The truth is that popular shoe brands, like Sketchers, Uggs, or Birkenstocks, actually destabilize the feet and may create...

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What Mattress Should I be Using?

What Mattress Should I be Using?

Sleeping on a very firm and flat surface is the best foundation for a good night’s sleep.  In all honesty, the best mattress you could buy is the ABC mattress. The ABCE mattress has been designed by ABC™ practitioners to support the alignment of their patients. As we...

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Recent Posts

Polyunsaturated Fats: Friend or Foe?

Polyunsaturated Fats: Friend or Foe?

Have you ever found yourself standing in the grocery store, staring at the endless array of cooking oils, wondering which one is the healthiest choice? With so much conflicting information about fats, it can be challenging to know what to eat or what not to eat. ...

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5 Reasons You’re Experiencing Uncontrollable Cravings

5 Reasons You’re Experiencing Uncontrollable Cravings

Do you find yourself constantly battling uncontrollable cravings for certain foods, even when you're not hungry? Then, eventually, you cave. Maybe you find yourself binging on a bag of chips, biscuits, or chocolate.  When striving to obtain better health, this...

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6 Benefits of Regular Sauna Sessions

6 Benefits of Regular Sauna Sessions

Saunas have been an integral part of Finnish culture for centuries, with the tradition dating back over 2,000 years. In fact, Finland is home to about three million saunas. This means that there’s half a sauna per person. Sauna bathing doesn’t just give way to ample...

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Health Span vs Lifespan: What’s the Difference?

Health Span vs Lifespan: What’s the Difference?

In recent years, we've made remarkable strides in extending the human lifespan. Advances in medicine, technology, and healthcare have enabled us to live longer than ever before. However, age-related diseases and illnesses can drastically impact our health during these...

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Should You Be Eating More Fibre?

Should You Be Eating More Fibre?

In weight loss circles, fibre is often talked about for its ability to increase satiation. This can prevent overeating and promote the caloric deficit necessary for weight loss to take place. However, this isn’t the extent of fibre’s superpowers. There’s so much more...

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