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Lots of informative information to keep you and your spine in top health.

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Is a Standing Desk Worth It?

Is a Standing Desk Worth It?

If you work at a desk all day, you might notice aches and pains. Or perhaps after a long day of work, you’re neck or shoulders are stiff and sore. As such, you might be considering a standing desk to avoid sitting for hours on end.  While standing or sitting in...

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6 Benefits of Barefoot Shoes

6 Benefits of Barefoot Shoes

Updated December 2024. Contrary to popular belief, our feet don’t need as much support as the shoe and orthotic industries would lead us to believe. The truth is that popular shoe brands, like Sketchers, Uggs, or Birkenstocks, actually destabilize the feet and may...

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What Mattress Should I be Using?

What Mattress Should I be Using?

Sleeping on a very firm and flat surface is the best foundation for a good night’s sleep.  In all honesty, the best mattress you could buy is the ABC mattress. The ABCE mattress has been designed by ABC™ practitioners to support the alignment of their patients. As we...

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Recent Posts

Forward Head Posture (FHP) & Dementia: Is There a Link?

Forward Head Posture (FHP) & Dementia: Is There a Link?

We all know that hunching over phones and laptops isn’t great for our necks and shoulders. That familiar forward head position—also called “tech neck”—has become increasingly common in our digital age. But could this everyday posture habit be affecting more than just...

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5 Types of Magnesium and Their Benefits

5 Types of Magnesium and Their Benefits

Magnesium plays a role in over 300 biochemical reactions in your body—from supporting muscle and nerve function to maintaining bone health. However, not all magnesium supplements are created equal.  Different forms of magnesium serve various purposes and can be...

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Fact vs Fiction: 6 Possible Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Fact vs Fiction: 6 Possible Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

From Victoria Beckham’s morning ritual to Holly Willoughby’s wellness routine, apple cider vinegar has found its way into many British celebrities’ daily habits. While celebrity endorsements have helped popularise this ancient health tonic, it’s important to look...

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How You Can Show Your Body a Little Love

How You Can Show Your Body a Little Love

The month of love is upon us! But spreading love doesn’t always mean extending your generosity outward (although it’s much encouraged!). While Valentine’s Day is often dubbed nothing more than a Hallmark holiday, why don’t we turn the tables a bit this year? ...

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Are Your Bum Bags Causing Your Pain?

Are Your Bum Bags Causing Your Pain?

Bum bags—also known as fanny packs in the US—were popular in the late 1980s and early 1990s. They became a massive fashion trend during this time, seen as a practical accessory that embodied the casual, sporty aesthetic of the era. People wore them when touring around...

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