3 Benefits of Turmeric (And How to Add More to Your Life!)

Oct 9, 2023 | General Health

Add a bit of spice to your life! Surprisingly, turmeric has been used for medicinal and flavor purposes for over 4000 years. Today, most of us know turmeric as a spice that adds a bit of oomph to various dishes, such as curry. Yet, it’s more than just a culinary delight.

Turmeric has plenty of health benefits — giving you even more reason to add it to recipes and drinks. So, what are these benefits? Let’s take a closer look.

1. It Has Anti-Inflammatory Properties.

Turmeric contains a powerful compound called curcumin. Curcumin has demonstrated various anti-inflammatory effects, even helping alleviate symptoms associated with arthritis. 

Inflammation is associated with various chronic diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and more. Any way we can reduce this may decrease our risk of these ailments. 

2. It Increases BDNF.

Research shows that consuming turmeric can bring BDNF levels back to normal. This is important for forming new neural connections and maintaining learning and memory capabilities as we age. This may also reduce our risk of Alzheimer’s disease and other neurodegenerative diseases as we enter our later years.

3. It May Alleviate Depression and Associated Symptoms.

While studies are still underway and more need to be conducted, early research shows how turmeric may be an effective treatment modality for depression. In fact, it was shown that turmeric had similar effects to Prozac.

How Can You Incorporate More Turmeric in Your Diet?  

Whether you’re a fan of curry or not, there are plenty of other ways to include more turmeric in your diet, including:

  • Making turmeric tea
  • Adding it to your smoothies
  • Adding it to your morning eggs
  • Creating a turmeric salad dressing
  • Using it as seasoning for veggies and meats
  • Adding it to soups
  • Creating turmeric-spiced nuts

Find your favorite and add it to your regular diet rotation!

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