6 Immune-Boosting Tips to Combat Cold & Flu Season

Dec 19, 2022 | General Health

With cold and flu season officially upon us, it’s the perfect time to revisit a few immune-boosting tips. Providing your immune system with the tools and resources it needs to function optimally can ensure you don’t end up spending days in bed or missing out on any fun festivities over the upcoming holidays.

Below, we take a closer look at what you can do to enhance your immunity and stay healthy—and avoid the dreaded cold or flu!

How to Give Your Immune System a Helping Hand

Taking care of your immune system comes down to looking after your overall health. While the tips below are good to keep in mind during the cold and flu season, these are practices that should also be implemented year-round. 

Tip #1: Take Vitamin D

A survey in the UK indicated that one in five individuals is deficient in vitamin D. This is especially true during the winter months when the days get darker and shorter. In the summer, it’s much easier to obtain adequate vitamin D due to ample sunshine. 

When exposed to sunlight, your skin is able to make vitamin D from cholesterol. Inevitably, the winter doesn’t offer as much opportunity to get sufficient sun. This means that most individuals can benefit from vitamin D supplementation, at least for this part of the year. 

Vitamin D plays an invaluable role in immune function, reducing inflammation and boosting immune cell production. This means you definitely want to ensure you’re getting enough! The recommended amount of daily Vitamin D is 600 IU for individuals aged one to 70 years old. 

Lastly, vitamin k should accompany your vitamin D supplementation since taking vitamin D without vitamin K may raise calcium levels and cause calcium deposits in the soft tissue of the body. We recommend this Vitamin D3 with Vitamin K2 supplement, which can easily be purchased online.

Tip #2: Wash Your Hands

This tip almost goes without saying! But a reminder never hurts. In fact, this is one of the best ways to avoid getting sick. 

And yes, there is a right way to do this! Wet your hands with water, add soap, then rub your hands together for 20 seconds before rinsing. Make sure to do this before preparing food, eating, or touching your face.

Tip #3: Eat Zinc-Rich Foods

Zinc has many impacts on your immune system, including helping with the development and production of vital immune cells. However, many people may not eat enough of this trace mineral, especially if they don’t eat meat or seafood. In particular, oysters, red meat, and poultry are great sources of zinc. If you require more plant-friendly options, adding oatmeal, lentils, or beans to your diet can help you obtain adequate zinc.

Tip #4: Get Your Daily Vitamin C

Vitamin C has many roles in immunity, such as acting as an antioxidant to reduce inflammation and improving white blood cell function. A really easy way to get enough of this vitamin is by having a glass of orange juice with breakfast. If you’re not a fan of orange juice, other vitamin C options include peppers, strawberries, and potatoes.

Tip #5: Prioritise Your Sleep

Sleep is a non-negotiable when it comes to good health and well-being. The body needs this time to perform various restorative processes (We all know how bad it feels after a poor night’s sleep!). Make sure you get seven to nine hours of sleep per night, use proper sleep hygiene, and have an appropriate bedtime routine that helps you wind down, even after a particularly stressful day.

Tip #6: Consider Chiropractic Care As Part of Your Wellness Regime

Your spine and brain make up the center of your nervous system. When your spine is misaligned, various dysfunctions throughout the body can occur, including within your immune system and function. Luckily, chiropractic care offers the perfect way to ensure you maintain proper alignment and can live your best life!

Book your FREE discovery call to find out if your local Finsbury Park chiropractor can help you achieve improved health and wellness. BOOK NOW.