Healing Takes Time: Why?

Sep 9, 2024 | General Health

Unless you recently experienced an injury or accident, it’s likely your aches and pains didn’t happen overnight. This typically means that they won’t necessarily go away overnight either.

The body needs time to adjust and rebuild. And this falls in line with chiropractic care where we aim to help support your body (and health) in the long-term! 

But what should you expect? How long does it actually take?

What to Expect…

Just like a car, you have to work to maintain your health. In many ways, chiropractic care is similar to the “maintenance checks” you get on your car. With regular chiropractic visits, you can ensure your spinal health stays in tip-top shape. 

At the same time, we take our cars into the mechanic when something goes wrong. And the same thing often applies in the world of chiropractic care. When pain arises, we book a visit. But the pain usually won’t be a quick fix. It typically takes several visits to get back to 100%; the exact number, however, depends on your condition or complaint.

Either way, you can expect a thorough assessment from your Finsbury Park chiropractor to help determine the best way forward. This assessment usually involves questions regarding your symptoms and health history, testing, imaging, and more. This information helps us create a treatment plan unique to you and your needs. 

How Long Does It Take?

When injury or illness occurs, the body immediately initiates an inflammatory response, which can last for several days. This is followed by a proliferative phase where new cells are generated to replace damaged tissues, a process that can span weeks. Subsequently, the body enters a remodeling phase, where newly formed tissues are strengthened and reorganized. Inevitably, this all takes time, often a few weeks to several months.

Yet, there are other factors that can impact how long it takes, including:

  • Severity and type of the injury or condition
  • Age
  • Health status
  • Pre-existing conditions
  • Lifestyle factors (diet, sleep, stress levels)
  • Genetic predisposition to healing

Ultimately, your chiropractor can tell you an estimate regarding the time after your initial assessment. Additionally, chiropractic care involves long-term goals, which means we are here to support you every step of the way throughout your healing journey and beyond. 

Are you ready to experience the power of chiropractic care? Our team at Posture & Wellness is here to help. Schedule your FREE discovery call. BOOK NOW.