Is It Possible To Fix a Humpback?

Aug 5, 2024 | Posture

Posture makes all the difference in our appearance. On top of this, it also plays a crucial role in reducing stress throughout the body and preventing other issues, like breathing difficulties. However, a humpback can take a drastic hit at your self-confidence and your health. 

So, let’s take a moment to discuss what you can do about it and why it’s important to address.

What is a Humpback?

A humpback, also known as Dowager’s hump or kyphosis, impacts a surprising 35% of women aged 20 to 64 years and about 40% of adults over the age of 60. This posture happens when the thoracic spine takes on an excessive outward curvature, creating a “hump.” 

So, besides physical appearance, what’s the problem?

Well, this hump, over time, can lead to:

  • Increasing discomfort
  • Neck, shoulder, and back pain
  • Fatigue
  • Difficulty breathing due to the compression of the thoracic cavity

Overall, this can impact your ability to move and perform daily tasks and significantly lower your quality of life. 

Oftentimes, this hump arises due to bad posture. Yet, it can also happen due to conditions like osteoporosis (low bone density) or a congenital condition causing certain spinal deformities.

Tips for Preventing a Humpback

Luckily, there are many ways to prevent a humpback. Here are some tips to help:

  • Practice postural awareness: Consciously practice good posture throughout the day. If this is difficult to remember, set reminders. For example, set alarms on your phone to remind you to sit up straight as you work.
  • Perform strengthening exercises: Certain strengthening exercises can help reduce a humpback. Examples include rows, shoulder blade squeezes, and planks. Meanwhile, another important note here: Some exercises can exacerbate this issue. For instance, deadlifts and specific yoga moves, like the forward fold, may support a humped back.
  • Maintain a healthy weight: A healthy weight isn’t just important for reducing your risk of diabetes or heart disease. It also supports your joints, taking the pressure off, which could lead to unsightly postures.
  • Consider your sleeping position: Ideally, we want to avoid sleeping on our stomachs. The best sleeping posture is lying on our sides, so our spines remain in a neutral position. Ensure you have a supportive mattress and pillow. If you’re waking up with a sore spine, you may need to make adjustments!
  • Visit your local Finsbury Park chiropractor. With a thorough assessment, we can help you improve your posture and determine the best treatments to reduce your pain and improve your overall life.

Ready to explore chiropractic care to address your humpback? Schedule your FREE discovery call. BOOK NOW.