Waking Up Feeling Stiff And Achy? Try These Tips!

Aug 29, 2022 | Uncategorized

Waking up feeling stiff and achy? Try these simple tips!

It is estimated that the average person spends 33 years of their lifetime in bed, whether that be asleep or trying to get to sleep! That is a lot of time. So, it is not surprising that the positioning of our body whilst in bed will have an impact on the health of our spine and overall comfort. If you are waking up with neck ache or stiffness, here are some simple tips for you to consider.

Let’s talk pillows and sleeping positions:

The ideal position for our spine is sleeping on our side. This allows our spine to remain in a neutral position, and therefore the muscles and soft tissue around the joints will be relaxed.

Back Sleepers: 

If you must sleep on your back you will want a relatively thin pillow that allows your head to feel supported but in a neutral position. If the pillow is too thick or you have multiple pillows, your head and neck will be forced into a flexed position, which is the opposite direction to the natural curve at the top of your spine. This will cause stress on the spine and encourage those muscles around it to be working hard, even whilst we are asleep, and cause a forward head posture.

Side Sleepers:

This is the most ideal position to sleep in. You want a pillow that when lying on it, fills the width of your shoulder. This means that your spine remains in a nice neutral position. No one’s spine is exactly straight so the idea is not to get it in a straight line but for it to but under the least amount of stress possible. So, getting the right pillow height is unique to you and the bed you are sleeping on.

If the pillow is too thin, you will roll forward slightly squashing the shoulder you are laying on and creating a twist down your whole spine, which will also compress the side of your neck nearest to the pillow and stretch the opposite side. If it is too thick, you will role backward creating a  twist in your spine in the opposite direction and your head will be pushed the opposite way, compressing the outside of your neck and straining the side closest to the pillow.

Front Sleepers:

Sorry, but this is probably the worst position when it comes to the comfort of your spine, as your head will be forced to the side, and your body will end up being in a twisted position causing stress on your joints throughout the night. I would recommend avoiding this position if you can.

What brand of pillow or mattress? We get asked this question a lot, and sadly we do not have a set answer. Choosing a mattress or pillow is very personal. However, we recommend the ABC pillow and mattress. The firmer the better when it comes to a mattress.

What I have talked about is the ‘ideal, but I appreciate that certain sleeping positions are not comfortable for all due to current pain or discomfort, so if you need any tailored advice on this topic, please do ask and I would be more than happy to help. 

Have an amazing week.

Contact Bianca Downey for more information: info@postureandwellness.co.uk

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