3 Tips for Minimising Pain When Gardening

Sep 18, 2023 | General Health

If you’ve been gardening all spring and summer long, maybe you’re starting to notice a few aches and pains arise. Maybe it even all started as you were hunched over your latest garden addition, ensuring it would take root or that the rain wouldn’t simply wash your hardwork away.

And yes, gardening and being outside is good for the mind and body! However, hunching for long durations is not. When gardening, we want to ensure we’re looking after our spine and posture so that those small aches and pains don’t turn into worsening scenarios. So, let’s take a look at a few tips you can use next time you’re out nurturing your garden!

Tip #1: Use an ABC Seat Wedge

When seated, an ABC seat wedge can position your pelvis and spine properly so that you aren’t inclined to lean forward in a hunched position. Instead, it will help keep your body in a proper alignment and won’t undo any progress made during your chiropractic sessions. Ask our staff about the seat cushions next time you’re in!

Tip #2: Use Your Legs

Instead of hunching, squat down. Instead of reaching, move your body to a position and location so you can easily work around the area you intend to without overdoing it. 

When lifting the wheelbarrow or other heavy objects, bend your knees! Squat down, and lift through your heels and legs. Brace that core, and don’t rely on your low back (as this can quickly lead to injury and pain!).

Tip #3: Learn to Use Your Core!

This relates back to the above tips. But learning to properly use your core can protect your back and spine. Additionally, chiropractic adjustments can help you get started on the right foot. Next time you’re in the clinic, ask our trusted team members about the proper way to use your core and maintain a neutral spinal position.

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