7 Tips for a Better Sleep

Apr 2, 2023 | Sleep

Sleep is undeniably important for overall health and well-being. We’ve all been there where even just one bad night’s rest interferes with our happiness, productivity, and energy levels across our entire day. And perpetually poor sleep can actually increase our risk of various diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, obesity, and cancer.

In fact, if there’s one thing you can do for improved wellness, it’s prioritising your sleep! So, what can you do to ensure this happens? And how can you get to sleep easily and stay asleep?

Sleep Tips to Help You Rest Easier

Luckily, with sleep, there are many things you can do to improve it. If you wake up stiff and achy, you may need to adjust your pillow, mattress, or sleep position. Sometimes, this is all you need to get a good night’s rest. However, if you’re still struggling, here are a few things you can do.

Tip #1: Go to sleep and wake up at the same times.

You’ve probably heard this one before. Yet, it should never be underestimated. Our bodies function like clockwork. We have certain daily rhythms, such as our circadian rhythm. An easy way to get your circadian rhythm on track is by having a set bedtime and wake-up time. 

For most adults, this is usually going to bed by 10 pm and waking between 6-7 am or when the sun comes up. However, this may vary depending on your genes, work schedule, and other factors. The key here is to stick to some kind of schedule.

Tip #2: Avoid alcohol and caffeine.

Or limit these, especially before bed. Alcohol has a serious impact on REM sleep, which is important for memory, processing, and even brain development. Try to limit these types of drinks in the hours leading up to bedtime.

Caffeine, on the other hand, shouldn’t be consumed past 2 pm. Unfortunately, it takes a while to wear off and may interfere with you trying to fall asleep. 

Tip #3: Move your body (but not late in the evening).

Adequate movement during our day can help us get a restful sleep at night. Yet, doing an intense workout in the evening may actually disrupt your sleep as exercise tends to wake us up. Ideally, you don’t want to be doing anything to increase your alertness when trying to wind down for bed.

Tip #4: Don’t take a nap after 3 pm.

This, again, comes back to interference with our circadian rhythm. Late afternoon naps can make sleeping at night tricky and make it harder to fall asleep.

Tip #5: Get the right amount of sunlight.

Sun exposure first thing and last thing in your day is important for your circadian rhythm. Interestingly, we actually have neurons in our eyes that register the different wavelengths of the sun, indicating whether it’s morning or evening and stimulating different hormones for wakefulness or sleepiness. 

Try going for an easy walk first thing or right after dinner. In fact, going after dinner is a great way to not only get some of the “sunset” light but also help regulate your blood sugar post-meal.

Tip #6: Have a wind-down routine.

This may mean taking a warm bath or reading a book. Some individuals enjoy meditation or deep breathing exercises right before bed as well since this activates our parasympathetic system (your rest and digestion system), which can help you wind down.

Tip #7: Trouble sleeping? Quit lying in bed!

If you’re staring at the ceiling counting sheep, try getting out of bed and doing something mundane or relaxing. For instance, organizing your bookshelf might be the perfect “boring” activity to help get you sleepy. Or you may want to get up and go read a book. Once you get sleepy, then, head to bed. The stress or anxiety involved in not being able to sleep can often be quelled simply by getting up and doing something else.

Are You Waking Up Sore After a Night’s Rest?

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