Can Poor Posture Lead to Osteoarthritis?

Feb 6, 2023 | Posture

Poor posture has cascading effects throughout the body. It doesn’t just cause issues in the spine or back. In fact, poor posture can lead to imbalances and misalignments within the limbs and their joints. As a result, poor posture can actually accelerate wear and tear throughout the body, leading to conditions like osteoarthritis. 

So, how exactly does poor posture potentially cause osteoarthritis? Let’s take a closer look!

The Link Between Poor Posture and Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis. With this type of arthritis, the cartilage at the joints breaks down, eventually leading to painful bone-on-bone rubbing with movement of the joint. In the U.K., about 8.5 million people have osteoarthritis.

While osteoarthritis has a variety of causes, risk factors frequently include age, obesity, previous joint injuries, repetitive stress on a joint, genetics, bone deformities, and some metabolic conditions (like diabetes). 

Generally, poor posture falls under repetitive stress on a joint. Continually assuming a poor posture for work, as many people do for 40 hours a week, will inevitably result in increased stress on certain parts of the body. This often leads to increased pressure on the lower back, leading to the degeneration of these joints.

However, this isn’t the only part of the body that suffers. With a forward head posture (“text neck”), the spinal joints in the neck may also face accelerated wear and tear, leading to osteoarthritis. Pain or imbalances in these areas may also lead to osteoarthritis in the hips and knees as movement patterns change to compensate for these deficits. 

How to Prevent Osteoarthritis

Yet, osteoarthritis doesn’t have to be your fate. In fact, the same actions you take to prevent osteoarthritis can also help treat it. These include:

  • Regular physical activity
  • Losing weight (if necessary)
  • Wearing suitable footwear (Check out our blog on barefoot shoes.)
  • Moving every 30-60 minutes if you sit during your workday
  • Supporting proper posture with a proper ergonomic work setup (You may also consider purchasing a seat wedge in our clinic to further support this endeavor.)
  • Avoiding repetitive movements and taking proper breaks

Lastly, visiting your local chiropractor regularly can ensure your spine stays in tip-top shape and that you aren’t at risk of developing aches and pains further on down the road. Book your FREE discovery call to find out how your local Finsbury Park chiropractor can help you! BOOK NOW.