7 Everyday Things That Cause Spinal Misalignments

7 Everyday Things That Cause Spinal Misalignments

As we go about our days, we might be unaware of habits or activities causing us pain or health issues. In fact, many of us go through our days on autopilot. Down the road, we might “suddenly” experience pain for no real rhyme or reason. But here’s the thing: There...
Can Poor Posture Increase Stress?

Can Poor Posture Increase Stress?

Poor posture doesn’t just cause pain and discomfort. It can also lead to increased stress throughout the body—eventually leading to a decline in overall health. (We’re not kidding!) Now, this isn’t to scare you. Rather, it’s to help make you more aware of the...
Can Poor Posture Lead to Osteoarthritis?

Can Poor Posture Lead to Osteoarthritis?

Poor posture has cascading effects throughout the body. It doesn’t just cause issues in the spine or back. In fact, poor posture can lead to imbalances and misalignments within the limbs and their joints. As a result, poor posture can actually accelerate wear and tear...
Can Bad Posture Cause Knee Pain?

Can Bad Posture Cause Knee Pain?

Knee pain is an all-too-common problem. It can happen due to rigorous activity in sports or play or occur gradually over time. Yet, you might not know that knee pain can also arise due to poor posture.  While you might not immediately think your knee pain is due...
Should You Read in Bed?

Should You Read in Bed?

For many of us, winding down for bed involves reading a good book. As we dive deep into a fictional story, we relax and can forget the stressors of the day, which allows us to, eventually, ease into a deep slumber.  However, for your posture, there can be some...
3 Common Wellness Practices We Don’t Recommend

3 Common Wellness Practices We Don’t Recommend

At Posture & Wellness, our team uses a unique technique called Advanced Biostructural Correction (ABC). This technique brings the body back into its natural alignment, preventing the shoulders from slumping forward, making breathing easier, and enhancing...