Choosing the Right Office Chair

Nov 7, 2022 | Chairs/Sitting

If you sit all day for work, you’ll know the aches and pains that can quickly arise from sitting in the wrong chair for hours on end. Maybe it starts with a small ache in your shoulder or tightness in your neck. While these might seem like not a big deal at first, ignoring them can do more harm than good. 

So, what’s the fix? The best thing you can do is find an appropriate chair to sit in for work. This can help you avoid ending the workday in pain, as well as help you thwart a debilitating injury (like back pain) down the road. So, let’s take a quick look at how you can choose the best office chair for your body!

What Type of Office Chair is Most Comfortable?

The problem with most office chairs is that many of them actually (and quite surprisingly!) support bad posture. Many of these “ergonomically-designed” chairs tend to curve in a way that pushes the body forward, which can support the development of forward head posture and other less-than-ideal postural positions.

In fact, you might even notice your ergonomic office chair becomes more uncomfortable after you’ve been adjusted with the ABC method at Posture & Wellness. This is because as we correct your posture and re-align the body, the traditional office chairs do the complete opposite. In turn, as you become more aligned, your chair might become more and more uncomfortable, indicating a new one is probably more than necessary.

So, what should your office chair consist of? Here are a few basics:

  • It should have a flat base and a flat back, with no lumbar curve in the back of the chair.
  • Purchase an ABC seat wedge for a flat-based chair (We recommend this seat wedge. Most other seat wedges online are actually too soft.), which angles your knees below your pelvis. If the wedge option is unavailable, invest in a chair that can angle down. You can pick up a seat wedge the next time you are in the clinic!
  • When adjusting your chair, make sure your feet touch the ground. Under no circumstances should your feet or legs be hanging off the chair. Both feet should be firmly planted on the floor.
  • Use a chair without armrests so you can tuck it under your desk, or else you’ll likely end up too far away from the screen and end up leaning forward.

When all else fails (especially since it may be difficult to find a chair like this), go for a basic dining table chair. This is a great alternative for working from home, and since dining chairs usually have a flat base and back, they do the trick. 

Other Things to Note When Working from Home

Inevitably, your chair isn’t the end-all, be-all. We all know sedentary behavior for long durations isn’t good for the human body. And when we are entrenched in work, it’s easy to lose track of time and go hours without moving from the same spot.

A quick trick you can do is to set a timer for every 30-60 minutes (This is also a great time chunk for focused work and concentration!), then stand and walk or perform the recommended stretches we give in the clinic every time your timer goes off. This can also serve as a reminder to check your posture and adjust, so you aren’t absentmindedly hunching forward toward your computer. You could also opt for a standing desk as opposed to sitting all day.

If you’re not sure if your work or office space set-up is supporting your posture, please don’t hesitate to send me a photo from the side (without posing and as you would usually work). I can offer suggestions to help make your workstation pain-free.
If you’re already experiencing pain, reach out to us today to book an appointment with your local Finsbury Park chiropractor. You can also opt to book your FREE discovery call to find out more about how a chiropractor can help you! BOOK NOW.