Should You Use a Foam Roller On Your Spine?

Nov 17, 2022 | General Health

Foam rolling has quickly become a popular recovery tool for athletes and the general population. Many personal trainers and healthcare professionals recommend this technique to eliminate tightness and improve flexibility and mobility.

But should you use a foam roller on your spine? Why or why not? The answer might surprise you…

To Foam Roll or Not To Foam Roll?

Many people swear by using a foam roller on their back and spine. Yet, this will actually make your back and postural problems worse.

Lying down and rolling back and forth over the spine actually pushes the spine out of its natural alignment. It does this by pushing the spine forward, which isn’t supporting the natural curves of the back. 

And this is why our team at Posture & Wellness Chiropractic doesn’t recommend foam rolling your spine. However, you can use a foam roller on your legs to alleviate tension points. 

How to Use a Foam Roller Correctly

A foam roller does have its place (just as long as it’s not being used on your back!). Many people find great relief from muscle tightness and soreness by using a foam roller on the large muscles of the legs, including the calves, hamstrings, and quadriceps.

For proper foam rolling of these areas:

  • Line up the leg you intend to foam roll at a perpendicular angle to the foam roller. The foam roller should be underneath your leg. This means if you’re foam rolling your quadriceps, you will need to lie face down.
  • Gently roll back and forth over the affected area for 30 seconds to a minute. 

If you’ve recently experienced an injury, we don’t recommend foam rolling the area as this can make things worse, especially in the case of a sprain or strain.

At the same time, it’s important to note that everything in the body is connected. If you’re constantly feeling sore or achy, this could be a sign of postural misalignment or an issue in another part of the body rather than the area of pain or tension. In this case, you could benefit from chiropractic care and the ABC technique. 
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