How is Our ABC Method Different From Other Chiropractic Methods?

Jun 5, 2023 | General Health

Surprisingly, not all chiropractic methods are created equal. At Posture & Wellness, we use the ABC™ (Advanced Biostructural Correction) Method, which differs from many other chiropractic approaches. A common question we get asked by many clients is, “How is ABC different?” 

So, let’s get to the bottom of this once and for all. What sets the ABC™ Method apart from the rest? And why do we exclusively use this method here at Posture & Wellness?

What is the ABC™ Method?

The ABC™ Method stands apart from other chiropractic methods since it only adjusts the vertebrae in a direction the body can’t self-correct. This method acknowledges, as do other chiropractic methods, that the body is self-healing. Yet, the ABC™ method recognizes that it isn’t completely self-healing. This makes sense since we don’t always bounce 100% back from injury or illness. Sometimes, the body needs a helping hand to get back to normal.

This method also focuses on the concept that the body works best when mechanically aligned. When things fit together where they should, everything functions as it should. All of this is to say that where the body can’t self-correct, outside forces must step in and help, which is where the ABC™ Method comes in!

While the body can easily heal a small paper cut on our fingers, in contrast, the body has no mechanism or system to realign bones, such as vertebrae, that have come out of place. The ABC™ Method is further based on the idea that medical professionals or practitioners should only correct what the body is unable to, such as a vertebra being pushed forward and out of alignment.

The ABC™ Method vs Other Chiropractic Methods

Again, the ABC™ Method only corrects bones out of place. This is the key that differentiates this method from other chiropractic methods. By correcting only the bones out of place, we also correct any compensatory patterns that have been adapted due to these misalignments, such as tight or spastic muscle or injuries caused by these issues. 

In this way, we are able to get to the root cause of the problem. We treat underlying issues contributing to pain or illness rather than just placing a band-aid on the symptoms themselves. In turn, your body and health can truly thrive. 

But why do bones get pushed out of place in the first place? Well, this can happen due to a variety of reasons, such as car accidents, falls, poor posture, heavy bags, prolonged sitting, sedentary behaviour, and more. Ideally, we aim to educate our patients on how to prevent these issues from happening again by directing them to lifestyle education that can help them formulate balanced habits. 

Are you curious about the ABC™ method? Or are you ready to try it? Book your FREE discovery call with your local Finsbury Park chiropractor. BOOK NOW.