How to Do a Digital Detox

Nov 13, 2023 | Mental Health

Phone separation anxiety is common in today’s tech age. If you’ve watched the documentary Social Dilemma, you’ll know even more about how addicting our phones and digital devices can be. It’s not by accident; they’re made to steal your attention and time. 

Yet, having limits or rules around your devices can help you break the cycle. You can even go a step further with a digital detox.

Step-by-Step Digital Detox

Often, performing a real digital detox takes some planning and conscious decision-making. So, here’s a step-by-step guide.

Step 1: Plan a Time.

It may be tempting to try to do it right away, but work or social activities can get in the way of performing a real detox. So, it’s best to plan this a bit ahead of time. For instance, maybe you intend on doing your detox on a Sunday morning when you know you won’t be bothered or have a need for your phone or laptop.

Step 2: Decide What You’re Going to Do Instead.

This could be anything outside of technology that you love doing! For instance, you could go for a walk, hit up a yoga class, meditate, or all the above. Having a planned activity that doesn’t require any digital device can help alleviate the stressor or need to reach for your phone.

Step 3: Follow Through!

Put it in the calendar and make sure you stick with it. Turn off your notifications and devices. Set a time for when you can return to them, then forget about them for the time being.

What Else Can You Do?

Maybe going completely offline scares you a bit. Well, luckily, there are plenty of ways to “digitally detox” without unplugging completely. Here are a few tips:

  • Take periodic breaks from technology for an hour or two here and there.
  • Set time limits on your most-used phone apps.
  • Turn off your phone at a certain time of the day.
  • Use your phone’s “Do Not Disturb” feature when you want to concentrate on an activity outside of your devices.
  • Find ways to actively engage in hobbies that don’t involve tech, like hiking or sports.

At Posture & Wellness, we’re here to support you and your well-being every step of the way. If you’re hunting for more ways to reduce stress in your life, we can help. Book your FREE discovery call with your local Finsbury Park chiropractor! BOOK NOW.