Is Your Spine the Root Cause of Your Hormonal Imbalances?

Oct 25, 2022 | General Health

Hormones are the chemical messengers in your body. When something goes wrong or doesn’t function optimally, you can develop a hormonal imbalance—too much or too little of a specific hormone. From estrogen dominance to low testosterone or thyroid issues, hormone imbalances can wreak havoc on your health!  

But did you know that the alignment of your spine can play a significant role in your hormone health? Let’s find out more and look at the common symptoms of hormonal imbalances to help you decode your own hormone health.

Do You Have a Hormonal Imbalance?

These are the most common symptoms connected to hormonal imbalances. If some of these apply to you, it is likely that your hormone health needs support.

  • Weight Loss or Gain

Unexpected weight loss or weight gain could indicate that your hormones are out of balance. Hormones regulate appetite, blood sugar regulation, and impact nutrient absorption in your gut.

  • Energy Levels

Thyroid hormones regulate your metabolism—how your body burns calories—and other hormones affect your sleep-wake cycle—how well you rest. Being constantly tired all is a tell-tale sign that your hormones are out of sync (Although, it can also signify that you need to get on top of your sleep hygiene or schedule!).

  • Skin Problems

Your skin is a poster board for how your hormones are fairing. Acne, darkened skin around your armpits and neck, skin tags, and excessively clammy or dry skin are all skin conditions worsened by unbalanced sex hormones—such as estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone.

  • Infertility and Dysfunction

Both men and women can experience infertility and low libido because of unbalanced sex hormones. For a woman, irregular periods are a sign that her hormones aren’t quite right, while a man might experience erectile dysfunction.

  • Toilet Trouble

Gut issues like diarrhea or constipation, as well as perpetual thirst and frequent urination, are all symptoms of hormonal imbalances. Pay extra attention to excessive thirst and urination⁠—they could indicate diabetes which can be life-threatening.

  • Mental Health Matters

Cortisol, the stress hormone, can make a mess of your mental health! Sustained high levels of cortisol lead to mood disorders, anxiety and depression, and other imbalances in your body.

How Can You Correct Your Hormonal Imbalance?

It’s important to look at your lifestyle from a holistic standpoint. Anything from your diet and how much you exercise to your stress levels, sleep, and emotional state can throw a wrench in your hormonal health. Working with a nutritionist, doctor, or personal trainer can help you adjust these aspects of your lifestyle and get them on track.

Additionally, chiropractic care is a holistic approach to your health and wellness. Below, we explore the top ways a chiropractor can help you balance out your hormones—and live well!

  1. Support Your Nervous System

Messages to and from your brain travel through the nervous tissue in your spinal column. Chiropractors check and realign your spine to ensure that there is no pressure or inflammation blocking these messages from getting where they need to go—like your hormone-producing glands! This restores your body’s natural balance so it can function optimally.

  1. Relieve Your Endocrine System

Chronic pain takes a toll on your endocrine system as your glands work hard to produce various hormones to help combat this stress (which can also lead to varying degrees of adrenal fatigue). Chiropractic care addresses the root cause of pain in your body, which in turn takes the strain off your endocrine glands and prevents high amounts of cortisol, which can take away from the production of other hormones.

  1. Eat for Your Hormones

What you eat has an immediate impact on your body. Your chiropractor understands the impact that diet has on your hormones and can help you make informed decisions and changes that support your body and hormone health.

  1. Move for Your Hormones

Exercise improves insulin sensitivity, encourages lymph drainage, and increases your metabolism. But what does your specific body need? With the guidance of a chiropractor, you can transition into an exercise program that is safe and appropriate for your body and hormone health. 

  1. Reduce Stress

Stress is major cause of hormonal imbalances. Luckily, a chiropractor can walk you through stress-coping techniques, be a listening ear, and help support your body as it heals from chronic stress. The holistic approach of consistent chiropractic care in a safe and calm environment will go a long way as you seek to bring down your cortisol levels naturally.

Hormone imbalances can have a domino effect on your body. Chiropractic care offers you a natural, non-invasive, and non-medicinal approach to balancing your hormones and changing your lifestyle to help you reach optimal health. Book your FREE discovery call to find out more about how a chiropractor can help you! BOOK NOW.