The Power of Blueberries: 5 Berry Benefits

Aug 7, 2023 | General Health

In the UK, blueberry season typically starts in mid-late July and continues throughout August. Thus, many of us may have recently headed to the markets to grab fresh batches or we might’ve even opted to pick our own. While you might feel overwhelmed with the amount of blueberries your household has, this isn’t exactly a bad thing!

Blueberries pack a powerful punch when it comes to nutrition and health. Plus, we’d argue they taste pretty great, especially in tarts, yogurts, and other desserts. With that in mind, here are five berry benefits, helping you appreciate those blueberries while they last and for all their worth.

Benefit #1: Blueberries contain antioxidants, which help lower inflammation and protect your body from harm.

Blueberries are one of the highest antioxidant fruits. This means that they help protect your body from harm caused by free radicals, which are natural byproducts of metabolism. In turn, this can slow down the aging process and even protect you from certain diseases, like cancer.

Benefit #2: Blueberries may improve cardiovascular health.

First up, these purple fruits reduce the damage caused by bad cholesterol within arteries and veins. Research further shows that regular consumption of blueberries may decrease blood pressure by four to six percent. As a result, this can protect us from various risk factors associated with life-threatening heart disease.

Benefit #3: Blueberries contribute to a healthy brain.

Because of blueberries’ high antioxidant content, they can help protect the brain against neurodegenerative effects. In fact, one study showed that when older adults with mild cognitive dysfunctions had blueberry juice daily, they experienced improved brain function. 

Benefit #4: Blueberries may protect against diabetes.

Fruits protecting against diabetes? Yes! Blueberries only have a moderate amount of sugar (and it’s the good kind, not the processed stuff!). However, research also suggests that the anthocyanins found in this fruit can improve insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism, lowering one’s risk of diabetes and aiding in better blood sugar control.

Benefit #5: Blueberries may even help muscle recovery.

This is again thanks to the antioxidant content found in blueberries. One New Zealand study even showed how muscle recovery was accelerated by adding blueberries into their post-workout routine, especially after strenuous exercise.

So, now is the time to enjoy this powerful fruit in all its glory. ‘Tis the season, and there are plenty of recipes you can make with blueberries, as well as many ways to add blueberries to your meals (such as toppings or ingredients in salads). 

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