The Secret to Good Shoes: Should You Go Barefoot?

Dec 4, 2023 | Shoes

No, we aren’t talking about literally going barefoot. Rather, we’re referring to barefoot shoes—something we encourage all of our clients to wear. 

So, what on earth are barefoot shoes? 

Well, the truth is that many well-known shoe brands compromise foot stability, resulting in issues elsewhere in the body. Surprisingly, numerous injuries and pain symptoms originate in the feet; since our body systems are interconnected, any imbalance at the base can affect the joints and structures higher up.

Barefoot, or minimalist, shoes solve this problem by offering minimal protection and mimicking (or getting as close as possible) what it would be like to walk on the ground. 

So, let’s explore this topic further. What should you know about barefoot shoes? How exactly do they compare to regular shoes? And what brands should you consider?

Barefoot Shoes vs Popular Shoe Brands

Wearing barefoot shoes is associated with enhanced foot muscle strength, improved balance, a lower likelihood of injuries to the ankle or knee, enhanced posture, and decreased pain. 

They forego excessive arch support or cushioning. They don’t lift up toward the heel. Instead, they are fairly simple in design, supporting the natural position of the feet (and, thus, good spinal alignment, too!).

Popular shoe brands, on the other hand, sometimes cause issues. They might lift up the heel, which throws off the alignment of the body and joints. They might include various cushioning, which sounds great but may do more harm than good in the long run. And yes, these, unfortunately, include brands like Nike, Crocs, Sketchers, and even Birkenstoke.

What Barefoot Shoes Should You Try?

We’re glad you asked; we have plenty of recommendations. Check out our list below.

Want to learn more about barefoot shoes and how you can foster good overall body alignment? Ask our team members at your next visit. Or, if you’re new, book your FREE discovery call. Discover how your local Finsbury Park chiropractor can help you! BOOK NOW.